Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring has sprung

Although I began spring break three days ago, the obligatory sleeping in and relaxation part of it has been postponed until today because of lifeguard training. That's right, I am now a lifeguard. That means I can charge you more money to watch your little angel while you go grocery shopping. That also means I can walk down the street and do whatever I want. It's unsafe to cross the street? Don't tell ME what's unsafe! I'm a lifeguard!

Anyway, I basically had to do lifeguard training because I got a job at the Wave as a lifeguard. I had actually wanted to merely sell stuff, but when I mentioned this at the job interview, my interviewer said "you know, I think you'd be good as a lifeguard." Of course, I didn't mention that I hadn't swam in quite a long time, and my swimming skills were actually quite subpar, and that I was more likely to cause drownings than prevent them, but I got the job nontheless. I even have a whistle.

Now that all that CPR nonsense is over, I'm going on a Sprinter adventure to Oceanside. I apologize if you don't live in southern California and have no idea what I just said, but in other words, I'm going on train-like transportation to a city located by the ocean (hence Oceanside) in order to take pictures and have fun with friends. I'll probably end up posting the pictures on here too, in order to fulfill the photography portion in my subtitle. Which means I should probably fulfill the art portion as well. Sure, why not.

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